Ménard, André ; Solignac, Laure
P. 41-137
2023 | fre | view full record
{ "$schema": "", "_bucket": "8da03b1b-5430-412b-8dda-b285677a2437", "_deposit": { "created_by": 13, "status": "published", "updated_by": 4 }, "authors": [ { "name": "Ménard, André" }, { "name": "Solignac, Laure" } ], "extent": "P. 41-137", "issn": [ { "value": "0014-2093" } ], "journalInformation": { "issue": "1", "title": "Etudes franciscaines", "volume": "N.S., v. 16", "year": "2023" }, "languages": [ "fre" ], "pid": "111363", "publicationYear": "2023", "recid": "111363", "source": "local", "subjects": [ { "subject": "Bonaventura cardinalis" } ], "title": "L'Itinerarium de saint Bonaventure : nouvelles perspectives", "type": "journalArticle" }
When you search on a word, e.g. 'abbaye', we will automatically search across everything we store about a record. But, sometimes you may wish to be more specific. Here we show you how.
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Use the Boolean Operators (AND, OR, NOT or AND NOT) Note: by default, the search will use "AND" in your query. The query 'abbaye citeaux' will search for both words in the record.
Some examples with Boolean operator :
Use the asterisk to truncate you search :